About Wayfaring Humans

Hello! We’re Brit, Phil, and little Dori — a family of 3 who likes to go on adventures.
The purpose of this website is to share our ideas/tips/recommendations related to family travel and raising a multilingual child.
We were both fortunate to travel a lot as children and we love to share similar international experiences with our son.
Research has shown that multilingual children gain cross-cultural awareness from a young age and learn early on to empathize with others around them. We hope that through education and conscientious family travel, we can help to promote a better and kinder world.
Follow us on Instagram (@wayfaring.humans) and subscribe to our YouTube channel to see what we’re up to!
About Brit & Phil

My name is Brittany and I’m the main author of the language education, travel, and international family-related information you’ll find on this website.
Here I share (hopefully!) useful information about traveling with a family (especially slow travel), and raising mutilingual kids.
I’m a CELTA-certified language educator with more than 10 years of experience in second-language acquisition in various capacities and I have a Master’s degree in Language and Literacy Education.
I grew up as an American military brat, moving around the world with my family. My most-recent hobbies include RAISING A BABY, and striking a balance between adventuring and cozy-ing with my family.

Phil is an ecologist currently working on his PhD in Vancouver, Canada and is originally from Montréal, Québec. He’s the talented multi-language speaker in this household, fluent in English, French, Spanish – and pretty darn good at Indonesian too.
He is also passionate about research and education! Phil’s experience as a science educator and researcher has taken him to ecological hot spots and sites in Honduras, Ecuador, and Indonesia. His discovery of a parasitoid wasp in the Amazon rainforest has been profiled in Scientific American, CBC News, and Smithsonian.com, among other news outlets.
Phil is also the co-founder of Wide Open Projects (WOP), a non-profit organization assisting in educational, social and conservation projects in Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia. Phil loves rock climbing, hiking, biking, and telling dad jokes.